Monday, June 13, 2011

Where has the time gone?!

Right now it is June 13th.  The fact that it is June is shocking enough, not to mention the fact that June is almost halfway gone!

It has been way way way way way too long since I have written anything in a blog.  Way too long.  And the unfortunate thing is that so many things have happened that I could share about.  I went on a church outing to this cool mountain, I've been to Seoul twice, there have been goodbye parties for people leaving Korea for good, I participated in the first leg of a Korean singing competition (where I actually memorized a song in KOREAN), a school wide Sports Day happened, as well as many other things.

Unfortunately, this blog isn't going to give you any photos of those things (mostly because I left my camera at home and I'm currently at school).  Moreover, I'm not going to go into any details at the moment.

More than anything I just wanted to do a brief update and say that life right now is good.  I feel so blessed by the experiences I have had and the friendships I have made while being in Korea.  Lately I feel like so many things are happening.  If it's not preparing to lead worship on Sunday morning, it's preparing to move to a new apartment or saying goodbye to my next door neighbours or wondering about the coming months. And although "things" can be overwhelming, I have a lot of joy.  I'd love to tell you that I've mastered teaching ESL or have finally gotten my 6-3 class to listen to me or that I can speak fluent Korean... but although none of these things have happened, what has happened is just a renewed sense that I am where I'm supposed to be right now.  I always thought that when I look back at my time in Korea it would finally be made clear to me why God opened the door to Korea so wide when so many other doors closed.  And I think some of that is coming to light for me already. 

When I came out to Korea, I came struggling a lot with so many questions in my life.  I was struggling with my faith and struggling to figure out my next steps.  And while I do not necessarily have answers, I have a lot more peace. 

So on the one hand I apologize for my dreadful blogging habits.  But on the other hand, I guess you can take my lack of blogging communication as a sign that I'm just enjoying life right now.

Kate, me, Juhui, Jenny, and Dahye at the Sports Day (even though I'm not even looking at the camera I still like this picture... thanks for the photo Angela!)

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